Game report
Wed May. 01 2019  9:00 pm
Scoring summary
1st Period Summary
Time Team Type Score Player Assisted
06:24BULLETSESG01Tony MarroccoDavid Tavares, Gary Louro
09:556IX ANGELSESG11Yusuf MemonMohsin Mankrod
2nd Period Summary
Shootout summary
Penalty summary
Player summary - home
6IX ANGELS players
Akbar Asmal0000000
Aabid Daya0000000
Hamzah Jogiat0000000
Zabir Khanat0000000
Mohsin Mankrod0110000
Yusuf Memon1010000
Safwaan Mohtat0000000
Zakaria Parakh0000000
Ahmed Parekh0000000
Adil Patel0000000
Waseem Vawda0000000
Player summary - away
BULLETS players
Bradley Baechler0000000
Adam Carson0000000
Korey Correia0000000
Travis Davis0000000
Michael Iezzi0000000
Gary Louro0110000
Johnny Lucca0000000
Peacefire Maji0000000
Tony Marrocco1010000
Anthony Pasquali0000000
Ron Peleg0000000
Tal Peleg0000000
Daniel Santangelo0000000
Dylan Steele0000000
David Tavares0110000
Justin Zerafa0000000
6IX ANGELS goalies
Shezaad Shaikh141300.92900
BULLETS goalies
Sean Fernandes261300.96200
Game recap

WOW!!!  If this was a 3 game series, I have a feeling we would still be playing this game.  Both goaltenders stood on their heads, and gave their respective teams a chance to win.  However Sean Fernandes from the Bullets would be incredible in the last few minutes and keep his team tied, to secure the series win.  Great job to both teams, and congrats to the Bullets on a Championship season.